Sen. Marshall on Biden Covid Documents Release: “Late and Does Not Provide the Full Picture”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after the Biden Administration released new intelligence documents related to the origins of Covid-19:

“As we’ve seen nearly every step of the way while trying to uncover the origins of the Covid-19 virus, the Biden Administration has failed to be transparent with the American people and members of Congress. The late night release of these declassified documents is late and does not provide the full picture of what our intelligence agencies know. As a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, I believe all of those individuals within our intelligence community should appear before the Committee and walk us through these materials so we can get to the bottom of the Covid-19 pandemic that killed over a million Americans. I will not rest until the American people know the truth, the bad actors are held accountable, and we make sure this can never happen again,” Senator Marshall said. 


In March 2023 President Biden signed into law the Covid-19 Origins Act, legislation that requires the Biden Administration to declassify information from the intelligence community that relates to the origins of the Coronavirus pandemic. Under the law, President Biden was supposed to release these materials by June 18, 2023. 

Senator Marshalls Leadership On Uncovering the Origins of Covid-19: 

  • In April, Senator Marshall released a bombshell COVID-19 Origins report in conjunction with the Muddy Waters Group, Dr. Bob Kadlec and 117th GOP HELP Committee Staff. 
  • This 300-page report is the culmination of findings and research conducted for more than two years. The report has over 1500 citations to corroborate its findings. You may click HERE to read the full report. Additionally, you may click HERE to read an executive summary of the report.
  • In March, Senator Marshall discussed his call for a full investigation into EcoHealth Alliance’s contributions to Chinese research and double billing the U.S. Government on Fox News, watch HERE.
  • In September 2022, Senator Marshall Uncovered Records that Show EcoHealth Alliance Materially Violated Grant Requirements, Failed to Disclose COVID-19 Research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • In 2021, Senator Marshall released a multi-step path forward on getting to the bottom of the origins of COVID-19 and holding China accountable for its actions surrounding the earliest days of the outbreak. 
  • Senator Marshall introduced the Chinese Communist Party Accountability Act to place sanctions on the top two Chinese health officials with early ties to the COVID-19 outbreak who obfuscated actionable information; the Viral Gain of Function Research Moratorium Act to place a moratorium on all federal research grants to universities and other organizations conducting gain-of-function research and risky research on potential pandemic pathogens; and the National BioSecurity Improvement Act to ensure federally-funded research involving potentially dangerous pathogens does not compromise national security. 
  • The Senator introduced a resolution calling for a bipartisan Select Committee to investigate the origins of COVID-19. 
  • Senator Marshall was the first U.S. Senator to demand answers from the DOD and HHS on possible COVID-19 infections of U.S. Army troops who participated in the 2019 World Military Games in Wuhan, China, from October 18-28, 2019.

