Sens. Marshall, Hagerty Demand Answers from DHS on Corrupted Migrant Detention Program

(Washington, D.C., November 16, 2022) – U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. and Bill Hagerty are leading a new effort to hold the Biden Administration accountable for its mismanagement of a crucial illegal alien detention program. In a new letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) leadership, Senators Marshall and Hagerty expressed their deep concerns with open-borders advocates who have corrupted the leadership and operations of the Alternatives to Detention Case Management Pilot Program (CMPP).

The Senators’ letter, addressed to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tae D. Johnson, and Peter Mina, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, took exception with the involvement of Church World Service (CWS) in the CMPP and the lack of transparency surrounding CMPP operations. They wrote in part,

“It is appalling, though not surprising from the current administration, that a program designed to augment Alternatives to Detention (ATDs) would be used as a ploy to further leftist ideology instead of enhancing the critical mission tasked to the Department… Earlier this year, DHS announced that Church World Service (CWS) would act as the Board’s Secretariat and Fiscal Agent. CWS has been at the forefront of pro-open border and anti-enforcement activities for years, going as far as advocating for the diverting of funds away from U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enforcement activities and even ultimately supporting the “Abolish ICE” movement… With core beliefs so fervently against the existence of ICE and the enforcement of our laws, we cannot trust that this process will be transparent and that CWS will not simply select solicitations from those that politically and ideologically align with its own warped world-view… We are also curious as to the functions and targeted population for the Case Management Pilot Program… We would posit that the Department only seeks those nonprofits with experience in protection matters because it believes that everyone entering the United States should be allowed to stay and is eligible for asylum… Congress cannot evaluate the Case Management Pilot Program, and, given its National Board, Congress certainly cannot rely on internal governance to police the program…”

Senators Marshall and Hagerty concluded their letter with a series of questions about the CMPP and requested answers from DHS within 15 days.

Fox News carried an exclusive story on Senators Marshall and Hagerty’s letter. You may click HERE to read the Senators’ full letter.


In August, Senator Marshall sought unanimous consent on the Senate Floor to pass his resolution that declares the crisis at the southern border as an invasion as defined by the United States’ Constitution. The resolution also recognizes the rights of each state’s governor to act to secure the border. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s full floor speech.

This past May, Senator Marshall and Kansas Sheriffs Calvin Hayden (Johnson County), Brian Hill (Shawnee County), Roger Soldan (Saline County), Jeff Richards (Franklin County), and Tim Morse (Jackson County) traveled to the Southern Border for briefings, tours, and meetings with border patrol officials, within DHS and the state of Texas. The trip came amid the pending expiration of Title 42 and the growing fentanyl crisis that is wreaking havoc in Kansas and across the nation. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch a recap visit of their trip.

You may click HERE or on the collage below to download high-res photos from their trip.

During that same trip, while on an evening tour with Brooks County, Texas Sheriffs, Senator Marshall had to provide medical assistance to a migrant suffering from heat exhaustion. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the dramatic video.

For his actions that night, Shawnee County Sheriff Brian Hill recognized Senator Marshall for his service above and beyond the call of duty. You may click HERE or on the image below for video of Sheriff Hill presenting the acknowledgement to Senator Marshall. 

