Sen. Marshall Announces Anti-Crime Bill

(Washington, D.C., October 25, 2022) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. announced the Concerned Citizens Bill of Rights, legislation to increase transparency regarding crime reporting and to incentivize state and local governments to roll back cashless bail and other soft-on-crime policies. Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks (IN-03) will lead companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Violence and disorder are sweeping the nation under President Joe Biden’s leadership. Kansans’ have seen the devastating consequences of the left’s soft on crime attitude and do not want that coming to our state. As the son of a police chief, who taught me to respect those who keep us safe, the coddling of criminals and demonization of our brave law enforcement officers is personal for me. It has gone on long enough,” said Senator Marshall. “No Federal funds should be given to jurisdictions that push failed policies like recklessly ending cash-bail or illogically barring judges from considering a defendant’s criminal history. Americans deserve to be safe and they deserve a government that prioritizes that safety above whatever progressive agenda is being hailed by woke radicals on the internet.”

“Cities across the nation are now plagued by violent crime because far-left officials refuse to uphold the rule of law. Every American deserves to live in a community where they feel safe and our legislation will ensure the federal government is not subsidizing and enabling the Democrats’ radical, lawless agenda,” said Chairman Banks.

Specifically, the Concerned Citizens Bill of Rights:  

  • Blocks DOJ grants (COPS grants and Byrne JAG grants) from going to states and localities that  have abolished cash-bail policies or that fail to consider the criminal history and dangerousness of a criminal when determining pretrial release.
  • Requires states and localities to fully report crime data to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
  • Requires states and localities to publicly reports:
    • Policies that result in nonenforcement and/or nonprosecution of crime.
    • Sentencing data.
    • Statistics regarding crimes committed after pretrial release.  
    • Ongoing strategies to combat violent crime.
  • Allows small jurisdictions to use Crime Identification Technology Act grants to comply with reporting requirements.

You may click HERE to read the final text of the Concerned Citizens Bill of Rights.


Over the past two years, the rise of well-funded anti-police activists combined with the rise of well-funded rogue prosecutors has culminated in a violent crime spike across the country.  Unfortunately, many cities and states throughout the country are adopting even more soft-on-crime approaches as crime rises.

  • In 2020,  police in Philadelphia were instructed to no longer arrest person for various crimes, included any narcotic offence, burglary, and most thefts. The following year, 2021, Philadelphia set a new all-time city high homicide record.
  • New York City eliminated cash bail options for most crimes in 2020 and New York prevents judges from taking account the dangerousness of a defendant when making pretrial detentions decisions. During the first months of 2022, major crime was up 41%.
  • In January of 2023, the Safe-T Act goes fully in effect in Illinois which ends cash bail for most crimes included arson and second-degree murder.

