Sen. Marshall: Joe Biden’s Open Borders Agenda Exposed States to Invasion

New Sen. Marshall Resolution Declares Crisis at Southern Border an Invasion, Calls on Senate to Recognize Each State’s Right to Secure Their Border Themselves

(Washington, D.C., August 4, 2022) – On the Senate Floor last night, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. called for unanimous consent to pass his new resolution that declares the crisis at the southern border as an invasion as defined by the United States’ Constitution. The resolution also recognizes the rights of each state’s governor to act to secure the border.

While speaking on the floor, Senator Marshall said in part,

“This open border – opened by Joe Biden – has resulted in an unprecedented, unrelenting massive wave of illegal aliens entering our country… It is long past time for states to protect their interests, because Joe Biden has made it clear the federal government will not… I encourage the passage of this resolution, to stand in solidarity with the Governors of these United States, who must take matters into their own hands to protect their citizens against this invasion.”

Democrat Senator Dick Durbin (IL) objected to Senator Marshall’s unanimous consent request.

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s full speech.

Upon Senator Marshall introducing his resolution, prominent border security groups and immigration officials announced their support for the effort.

“Certain border state attorneys general and lawmakers like Senator Roger Marshall have raised important constitutional questions about what powers states may invoke to defend themselves in the face of the Biden administration’s dereliction of its duty to secure our borders and protect the well-being of its citizens. Our Constitution does not leave states defenseless when the federal government permits a cartel-led invasion that allows criminals to prey upon our nation. We hope that states continue to explore every possible measure to defend themselves. The urgency of the moment requires this. The federal government under President Biden’s leadership with Majority Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi marching in lockstep got us into this situation, and it may very well be the states who help get us out of it,” said Dan Stein, President of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

“We applaud the leadership of Sen. Marshall for lending his support to the growing chorus of Americans who agree that the border crisis is in fact an invasion and that Governors should declare that fact, and use all available authorities under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution to remedy the problem,” said Russ Vought, President of Citizens for Renewing America, and Ken Cuccinelli, former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security and Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services under President Donald Trump.

Breitbart News carried an exclusive story on Senator Marshall’s resolution. You may click HERE to read the full text of Senator Marshall’s resolution.


This past May, Senator Marshall and Kansas Sheriffs Calvin Hayden (Johnson County), Brian Hill (Shawnee County), Roger Soldan (Saline County), Jeff Richards (Franklin County), and Tim Morse (Jackson County) traveled to the Southern Border for briefings, tours, and meetings with border patrol officials, within DHS and the state of Texas. The trip came amid the pending expiration of Title 42 and the growing fentanyl crisis that is wreaking havoc in Kansas and across the nation. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch a recap visit of their trip.

You may click HERE or on the collage below to download high-res photos from their trip.

During that same trip, while on an evening tour with Brooks County, Texas Sheriffs, Senator Marshall had to provide medical assistance to a migrant suffering from heat exhaustion. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the dramatic video.

For his actions that night, Shawnee County Sheriff Brian Hill recognized Senator Marshall for his service above and beyond the call of duty. You may click HERE or on the image below for video of Sheriff Hill presenting the acknowledgement to Senator Marshall. 

Senator Marshall’s Full Floor Remarks as Prepared:

I rise to ask for passage by unanimous consent, my resolution to express the sense of the Senate that the unprecedented crisis at the southern border constitutes an invasion on the United States of America, and that it is the constitutional right of State Governors to repel the dangerous ongoing invasion across the southern border.

I encourage my colleagues to support this resolution because the federal government has failed—intentionally or unintentionally—to uphold its obligations to protect the states from invasion under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.

During his campaign to become president, Joe Biden made it clear to the entire world that if he became president, America would be open. Not open for business, but that our southern border would be open – wide open, for anyone and everyone to violate our nation’s immigration laws, and to take advantage of America’s generosity. Yes, it would be wide open for drug smugglers, convicted murderers, domestic abusers, and sex offenders. Open for terrorist suspects.

In 2019, Joe Biden called for ‘‘all those people seeking asylum’’ to ‘‘immediately surge to the border.” He pledged free health care for illegal immigrants and pledged support for sanctuary cities. One of his first actions as president was sending proposed legislation to Congress that would provide a path to citizenship for 10 to 12 million illegal aliens residing in the United States. On his first day in office, he halted construction of President Trump’s border wall and halted the Remain in Mexico program.

This open border – opened by Joe Biden – has resulted in an unprecedented, unrelenting massive wave of illegal aliens entering our country. Last year, border patrol made more than 1.7 million arrests of illegal immigrants along the southern border, which is the highest level ever recorded, and is on pace to arrest more than two million illegal immigrants along such border during this fiscal year.

And now that Joe Biden has prepared to end the Title 42 Policy that enabled us to expel many of those crossing the border back into Mexico, the vast majority of those violating our country’s immigration laws will be released into the interior of our nation, where Democrats will insist they remain for the rest of their lives.

Last year, the number of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. topped 100,000, fentanyl being the cause of two-thirds of them. In fact, fentanyl is now the number one cause of death of Americans ages 18 to 45.

Last year, border patrol seized at the southern border — 11,200 pounds of fentanyl; 5,400 pounds of heroin; 191,000 pounds of methamphetamine; 97,000 pounds of cocaine; and 10,000 pounds of ketamine – Many, many multiples of the amounts needed to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States.

If you speak to border patrol agents trying to deal with this crisis, they’ll tell you the Biden Administration has completely forbidden them to enforce immigration law. They have been made ushers and nurse maids for illegal immigration.

This invasion is wreaking havoc on communities all across our country, and it cannot go on any longer. It is long past time for states to protect their interests, because Joe Biden has made it clear the federal government will not.

President Biden’s dereliction of duty and failure to take care that the laws be faithfully executed at our southern border has directly put the citizens of all 50 States in danger and has resulted in loss of life.

Let me be crystal clear , The violent activity and smuggling of drugs, humans, guns, and other illicit goods carried out by drug cartels and transnational criminal organizations meet the definitions of ‘‘actually invaded’’ under clause 3 of section 10 of article I of the United States Constitution; and ‘‘invasion’’ under section 4 of article IV of the United States Constitution; and Governors of all 50 States possess the authority and power as Commander-in-Chief of their respective States to repel the invasion described in paragraph (2).

I encourage the passage of this resolution, to stand in solidarity with the Governors of these United States, who must take matters into their own hands to protect their citizens against this invasion.

