Senator Marshall Statement on POTUS Ban of U.S. Purchase of Russian Oil

Senator Calls for American Energy Independence

(Washington, D.C., March 8, 2022) – After introducing legislation to ban the U.S. purchase of Russian oil last week, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after Joe Biden announced that he will finally stop funding Putin’s war chest and will institute a ban:

“I applaud President Biden for taking this important step, but similar to sanctions on Russia and aid delivered to Ukraine, he is once again late to act. After spending billions to finance Putin’s war on Ukraine, the President must immediately redirect efforts to restart America’s energy production. An announcement to restart the Keystone XL Pipeline would drop the price of oil tomorrow alone,” said Senator Marshall. “Under the previous Administration, our nation was energy independent but President Biden reversed course and turned hostile nations like Russia into America’s gas station. Now he’s turning to Iran and Venezuela. Joe Biden always talks about the importance of buying American – it’s past time he actually follows through and buys into American energy.”


In 2021, the U.S. imported nearly 700,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia. As a nation we have been unnecessarily contributing to the industrial success of a hostile competitor that has repeatedly shown a willingness to weaponize their energy exports. Legislation introduced by Senator Marshall last week would have swiftly moved to stop financing the Russian invasion of Ukraine and remove Russian fuels from American supply chains. The prohibition in the bill would take effect 15 days after enactment and would exclude shipments that are already in transit at that time. You may click HERE to view Senator Marshall’s legislation. Energy Committee Republican Leader Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) and Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Rick Scott (R-FL), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Marco Rubio (R-FL), John Hoeven (R-ND), and John Cornyn (R-TX) have cosponsored Senator Marshall’s legislation. In a new survey, 71% of those polled say that even if it means higher gas prices, they support a ban on Russian oil.

Sen. Marshall’s plan to Unleash America’s Energy Independence:

  • Immediately Restart the Keystone XL Pipeline.
  • Remove burdensome regulations from America’s energy producers.
  • Increase natural gas exports to European allies and other global partners.
  • Give certainty to oil and gas producers that credit will remain available to them by maintaining the independence of the Federal Reserve and withdrawing the nomination of Sarah Raskin.
  • Encourage FERC to reverse their decision to add new barriers to natural gas pipeline approvals.
  • Directly instruct the Department of the Interior to allow new oil and gas leases on public lands.

Senator Marshall was recently on FOX Business to discuss the ban of Russian oil and the lingering effects of President Biden’s anti-american energy policies, which include the issue of oil producers not being able to access financing. The Senator said in part, “I grew up in the oil patch, I live in the oil patch, the folks that have been drilling since before I was born cannot get financing right now. We have about a third of the nation’s oil rigs out there working – the folks that can do this are afraid to move forward… they are afraid they are going to be punished for it.” You may click HERE or on the image below to watch the Senator’s interview:

