Sen. Marshall: Does President Biden Have the Will to Fix the Border Crisis

(Washington, D.C., February 3, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. spoke on the Senate floor about the health crisis, national security crisis, and humanitarian crisis at the southern border created by President Biden’s disastrous policies. Senator Marshall said in part,

“I want to make it clear tonight that I’m for border security. I’m for law and order. I have been to the border three times in the last four to five years and what I saw there was a crisis… This was a humanitarian crisis and a health crisis… This is a crisis America sees… If we see the problem, we know the solution, my question for President Biden: Do you have the will to fix this crisis?

While the latest border statistics are below, you may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s remarks:

  • In December, more than 170,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border were apprehended by Border Patrol agents – that’s an increase of more than 139% over the same month in 2020.
  • DHS recorded a record more than two million encounters last year. Based on information shared with Senator Marshall by agents in the Del Rio Sector, for each encounter there are likely to be two “got aways”.
  • In fiscal year 2021: 145,000 unaccompanied minors were apprehended at the southern border and nearly 125,000 of them were allowed to remain in the U.S.
  • Because our facilities are so overwhelmed, HHS is cutting corners in vetting sponsors for these children. Reports emerged that the government had “lost contact” with approximately one-third of the minors that it had released to sponsors.
  • Cartels are getting rich through massive human smuggling operations. Coyotes are leading groups of migrants across vast distances of land without sufficient food and water. Fifty five migrants were killed and dozens more were injured in December when a tractor trailer operated by smugglers crashed into a pedestrian bridge.

