Sen. Marshall: Biden’s Socialist Agenda is Leading to Social Injustice

(Washington, D.C., May 26, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined his colleagues at a press conference and railed against the Biden Administration’s socialist policies that are driving up inflation and harming hardworking Americans. You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s remarks from today’s press conference.

Senator Marshall’s remarks:

“I was back in Kansas this weekend and a 100 dollar bill would not fill my Ford truck with gasoline. And I know there’s a lot of other Americans that went to the grocery store this weekend, and they’ve all been to the Dave Ramsey School of Finance. They went in there with their budget and they walked home, filled their refrigerator and filled their pantries. And guess what? They were about half full, or about three-quarters full. Certainly we’re starting to feel it. Thanks to inflation, COVID is no longer the top of the mountain for Americans’ concerns and problems. I too remember the 80’s. I remember the inflation of the 80’s was the most challenging economic time of my life. I also remember our pre-covid economy. The greatest economy of my lifetime thanks to the tax cuts and jobs act, thanks to rolling back regulations, thanks to energy independence. It was the greatest economy of our lifetime. And today, I look out there and see that the social injustices created by the socialist economy and the socialist policies of this administration. I just want everyone to realize and to emphasize that this inflation is a social injustice. It certainly hurts those that are on the lower income portion more than other folks, it certainly hurts our senior citizens who are on fixed incomes, folks who have young families. Young, hardworking Americans are impacted more by inflation than anybody else. And again, I just think at the end of the day what we’re seeing here is a very socialist agenda that’s leading to social injustices.”

