Marshall, Moran Resolution Honoring Father Emil Kapaun Passes Senate

(Washington, D.C., March 16, 2021) – Today, a resolution introduced by U.S. Senators Roger Marshall, M.D. and Jerry Moran honoring the late Father Emil Kapaun passed the Senate unanimously. You may click HERE to view the resolution in its entirety.

“As a Kansan and fellow veteran I know well the honorable work Father Kapaun did for our troops and our great nation. I am honored that my first resolution as a U.S. Senator honors Father Kapaun and I thank my colleagues for their full support,” said Senator Marshall. “Father Kapaun truly is a national hero and I am relieved his remains were finally returned home.”

“Father Kapaun is an American hero whose selfless actions inspired his fellow soldiers and continues to inspire generations of Kansans today,” said Senator Moran. “In 2011, I introduced legislation to bestow Father Kapaun with the Medal of Honor, and I am pleased to sponsor this resolution today to further recognize him for his tremendous service to our country.”

