Sen. Marshall Announces $9.9 million Grant for Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas Inc.

(Wichita, KS, January 21, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. announced today that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has granted $9.9 million to the Workforce Alliance of South Central Kansas Inc., for training and upskilling of residents in South-Central Kansas who have been impacted by industry layoffs.

“For more than a year, the Wichita community has endured the one-two punch of the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max jet and the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Senator Marshall. “Sedgwick County has been one of the hardest hit counties in the state, but business and community leaders have successfully come together to provide training and educational opportunities for those out of work. This grant will provide opportunities for employees to move into new positions and new industries.”


The funding will be used to support the organization’s ongoing training programs designed to help employees learn new skills and move into positions in new or growing industries such as IT, cybersecurity and manufacturing.

The Workforce Alliance operates under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Education and Health and Human Services, and offers career counseling, job training and support services to adults in South Central Kansas.

The Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration awarded a total of $145 million in grant funding to 19 different recipients. The Workforce Alliance of South-Central Kansas was only agency in Kansas to receive funding.

